Daniel Fitzmaurice

Currently a Software Developer at Aurecon. I love riding electric skateboards and programming

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About Me

I enjoy bringing ideas to life through programming (particularly with FSharp, CSharp, and Blazor). I completed a SuperThesis Project on SmartHome systems, where I developed a webapp and mobileapp which connected in to a SmartHome ecosystem and allowed the user to control their home anywhere, anytime, securely.

I also have experience in programming low level devices like Microcontrollers and Microprocessors, using C and C++.

I love to learn and explore new technologies and take on new challenges.


DansUI In Development

A UI library for use within Blazor development. The aim is to have a developer and desktop focussed UI library to help empower productive based workloads on the web.

SmartHome Super Thesis Project Completed

Developed a webapp to control a SmartHome developed by group as part of my thesis at UQ. The webapp is built on React and uses a combination of HTTP API calls and Socket programming to ensure data is delivered quickly and reliably.

ReDB Planning

A database based around Reactive ways of working, this allows for queries to happen when they have not wait for data to arrive or execute on separate machines. An example is a combination of mixing a local cache with remote storage, why wait for the remote storage to execute when the data might be local already.

Charon Planning

Charon is aimed at providing an MVVM Framework, primarily focussed around Reactive and Blazor, the core of the MVVM infrastructure will be able to be universally applied.


  • DotNet (FSharp, CSharp)
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • React/React Native
  • Python
  • LaTeX
  • Git/GitFlow
  • AVR/Arduino
  • Forge Autodesk
  • Microsoft Graph
  • Linux
  • C/C++